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霍毅欣 教授 / 博士生导师

来源:    编辑:bet365 スロット おすすめ   审核:周连景   发布日期:2018-09-04




bet365 スロット おすすめ副院长、中国生物工程学会理事


邮箱:[email protected]      电话:18910254522


2008-08至2011-07,加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士后,导师:James C. Liao教授(美国科学院院士、美国工程院院士、美国国家发明家科学院院士,第三世界科学院院士、台湾中央研究院院士、现任台湾中央研究院院长)

2006-05至2008-08,加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士后,导师:Jay D. Gralla教授

2002-09至2005-12,巴黎第七大学,分子微生物学及病毒学,博士(联合培养、分别获得中法两国博士学位),导师:Annie Kolb研究员




2023年8月至今,北京理工大学, bet365 スロット おすすめ,特聘教授(二级教授)

2021-01至2023年8月,北京理工大学,bet365 スロット おすすめ,长聘教授(三级教授)

2019-10至今,北京理工大学,bet365 スロット おすすめ,副院长(分管研究生、学科)

2019-09至今,北京理工大学,bet365 スロット おすすめ,生物技术专业责任教授


2017-09至2020-12,北京理工大学,bet365 スロット おすすめ,生物工程专业责任教授

2015-09至2020-12,北京理工大学,bet365 スロット おすすめ,教授





























1.Bio-Oxo Technologies, Awarded by Department of Energy (DOE), No. DE-EE0005773, 2014/12-2016/12, Total: 2.5 millions US dollars, 主持

2.Electro-Autotrophic Synthesis of Higher Alcohols, Awarded by Department of Energy (DOE), No. AR0000085, PI: James Liao (UCLA), Year 2010-2014, Total: 4 million US dollars, Co-PI(共同主持)

3.NIH Research Grant 5 R01 GM035754:2, 参与

4.NIH Research Grant 5 R01 GM049048:11, 参与

5.Internal Fund for UCLA-Department of Energy Institute for Genomics and Proteomics (DOE, 2008-2011), 参与

6.Sino - French Advanced Research Program (PRA) (2002-2005), 参与

7.China–Ireland Science and Technology Collaboration Research Fund (2002-2005),参与

8.Finalist of Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Award, UCLA (2011)

9.GuangHua Doctoral candidate Award, Peking University (2004)

10.French governmental CNOUS Fellowship Award (2002-2005)

11.Honorable Award for undergraduate students in Biology, Nankai University (1996)


[87]Yan Xia, Xiaowen Du, Bin Liu, Shuyuan Guo*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Species-specific design of artificial promoters by transfer-learning based generative deep-learning model. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024 May 23:gkae429. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae429. Online ahead of print. (影响因子14.9)


[86]Tingting Ding, Zeyu Liang, Yu Yang, Jing Liu, Wenting Li, Yuhui Du, Zhenya Chen, Yi-Xin Huo*. Rapidly engineering an osmotic-pressure-tolerant gut bacterium for efficient non-sterile production of bulk chemicals. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024 July 1. doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.152076. (影响因子15.1)


[85]Zeyu Liang, Chaoyong Huang, Yan Xia, Zhaojin Ye, Shunhua Fan, Junwei Zeng, Shuyuan Guo, Xiaoyan Ma, Lichao Sun, Yi-Xin Huo*. Identification of functional sgRNA mutants lacking canonical secondary structure using high-throughput FACS screening. Cell Reports. 2024 May 31;43(6):114290. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114290. Online ahead of print. (影响因子8.8)

筛选到2000余种完全失去经典二级结构的、序列高度变异的(up to 80%序列不同)、有(完全)活性的sgRNA,用于克服基因编辑中的重组和脱靶问题。

[84]Zhenya Chen, Shengzhu Yu, Jing Liu, Liwei Guo, Tong Wu, Peifeng Duan, Dongli Yan, Chaoyong Huang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Concentration Recognition-Based Auto-Dynamic Regulation System (CRUISE) Enabling Efficient Production of Higher Alcohols. Advanced Science. 2024 Apr 16:e2310215. doi: 10.1002/advs.202310215. (影响因子15.1)


[73] Yan Xia#, Lichao Sun#, Zeyu Liang, Yingjie Guo, Jing Li, Dan Tang, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*, The construction of a PAM-less base editing toolbox in Bacillus subtilis and its application in metabolic engineering, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469:143865. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.143865 (影响因子16.744,发表年月 2023-05)

[72] Hao Guo#, Ning Wang#, Tingting Ding, Bo Zheng, Liwei Guo, Chaoyong Huang, Wuyuan Zhang, Lichao Sun, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo*. A tRNA Modification-based strategy for Identifying amiNo acid Overproducers (AMINO). Metab Eng. 2023. 78: 11-25. (影响因子8.4,发表年月 2023-07)

[64] Ning Wang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Using genome and transcriptome analysis to elucidate biosynthetic pathways. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2022, 75: 102708. (影响因子9.74,发表年月2022-06)

[56] Tong Wu#, Zhenya Chen#, Shuyuan Guo, Cuiying Zhang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering transcription factor BmoR mutants for constructing multifunctional alcohol biosensors. ACS Synth Biol. 2021(影响因子5.11,发表年月2022-02)

[52] Xiaoyan Ma#, Lianjie Ma#, Yi-Xin Huo*. Reconstructing the transcription regulatory network to optimize resource allocation for robust biosynthesis. Trends Biotechnol. 2021(影响因子19.526,发表年月2021-11)

[35] Huan Yu#, Zhenya Chen#, Ning Wang, Shengzhu Yu, Yajun Yan, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering transcription factor BmoR for screening butanol overproducers. Metab Eng. 2019. 56: 28-38(影响因子9.783,发表年月2019-12)

[24] Bo Zheng#, Xiaoyan Ma#, Ning Wang, Tingting Ding, Liwei Guo, Xiaorong Zhang, Yu Yang, Chun Li, Yi-Xin Huo*. Utilization of rare codon-rich markers for screening amino acid overproducers. Nat Commun. 2018. 9(1): 1-11(影响因子14.919,发表年月2018-09)

[11] Yi-Xin Huo, David G Wernick, James C Liao*. Toward nitrogen neutral biofuel production. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2012. 23(3): 406-13(影响因子9.74,发表年月2012-06)

[10] Han Li, Paul H Opgenorth, David G Wernick, Steve Rogers, Tung-Yun Wu, Wendy Higashide, Peter Malati, Yi-Xin Huo, Kwang Myung Cho, James C Liao*. Integrated electromicrobial conversion of CO2 to higher alcohols. Science. 2012. 335(6076): 1596(影响因子47.728,发表年月2012-05)

[8] Yi-Xin Huo, Kwang Myung Cho, Jimmy G Lafontaine Rivera, Emma Monte, Claire R Shen, Yajun Yan, James C Liao*. Conversion of proteins into biofuels by engineering nitrogen flux. Nat Biotechnol. 2011. 29(4): 346-51(影响因子54.908,发表年月2011-05)


[87]Yan Xia, Xiaowen Du, Bin Liu, Shuyuan Guo*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Species-specific design of artificial promoters by transfer-learning based generative deep-learning model. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024 May 23:gkae429. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae429. Online ahead of print. (影响因子14.9)


[86]Tingting Ding, Zeyu Liang, Yu Yang, Jing Liu, Wenting Li, Yuhui Du, Zhenya Chen, Yi-Xin Huo*. Rapidly engineering an osmotic-pressure-tolerant gut bacterium for efficient non-sterile production of bulk chemicals. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024 July 1. doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.152076. (影响因子15.1)


[85]Zeyu Liang, Chaoyong Huang, Yan Xia, Zhaojin Ye, Shunhua Fan, Junwei Zeng, Shuyuan Guo, Xiaoyan Ma, Lichao Sun, Yi-Xin Huo*. Identification of functional sgRNA mutants lacking canonical secondary structure using high-throughput FACS screening. Cell Reports. 2024 May 31;43(6):114290. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114290. Online ahead of print. (影响因子8.8)

筛选到2000余种完全失去经典二级结构的、序列高度变异的(up to 80%序列不同)、有(完全)活性的sgRNA,用于克服基因编辑中的重组和脱靶问题。

[84]Zhenya Chen, Shengzhu Yu, Jing Liu, Liwei Guo, Tong Wu, Peifeng Duan, Dongli Yan, Chaoyong Huang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Concentration Recognition-Based Auto-Dynamic Regulation System (CRUISE) Enabling Efficient Production of Higher Alcohols. Advanced Science. 2024 Apr 16:e2310215. doi: 10.1002/advs.202310215. (影响因子15.1)


[83]Yan Xia, Zeyu Liang, Xiaowen Du, Dengtian Cao, Jing Li, Lichao Sun,b, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*, Design nonrepetitive and diverse activity single-guide RNA by deep learning, 2024. Biorxiv.

[82]Yan Xia, Xiaowen Du, Zeyu Liang, Zhaojin Ye, Dengtian Cao, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*, CRISPR-Cas9/SpRY-mediated rapid and universal genome editing in Bacillus subtilis, 2024. (Submitted)

[81] Zeyu Liang, Zhaojin Ye, Yan Xia, Xiaowen Du, Shunhua Fan, LiChao Sun, ShuYuan Guo* Yi-Xin Huo*. Low-cost and rapid construction of green energy overproducers based on the CRISPR system. 2024. (To be submitted)

[80]Chenxi Huo, Lianjie Ma, Ping Liu, Liyuan Jin, Dongli Yan, Zekun Yu, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Unveiling the differentiated stress-adaptation-induced mutation hotspots in bacterial transcription machinery evolved under natural and laboratory conditions. 2024. (to be submitted)

[79]Lianjie Ma, Chenxi Huo, Zekun Yu, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Reassigning core RNA polymerase to different sigma factors through mutations in interaction domains. 2024. (to be submitted)

[78]Dengtian Cao, Yan Xia, Zhongrao Han, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*. Simplified Construction of Engineered Bacillus subtilis for Protein harboring Site-Specific Incorporation of Two Noncanonical Amino Acids. 2024. (To be submitted)

[77] Yan Xia#, Lichao Sun#, Zeyu Liang, Zhongrao Han, Jing Li, Yingjie Guo, Pengyu Dong, Yi-Xin Huo*,

Shuyuan Guo*, Chromosome segment scanning for gain- or loss-of-function screening (CHASING) and its application in

metabolic engineering. 2024. (In preparation)

[76] Yan Xia,Xiaowen Du, Bin Liu, Shuyuan Guo*,Yi-Xin Huo*, Species-specific design of artificial promoters by transfer-learning based generative deep-learning model. bioRxiv. 2023. (Preprint)

[75] Ying Liu, Lichao Sun*, Yi-Xin Huo, Shuyuan Guo*, Strategies for improving the production of bio-based vanillin, Microbial Cell Factories, 2023, 22(1):147. DOI: 10.1186/s12934-023-02144-9. (影响因子6.4,发表年月 2023-08)

[74] Zhenya Chen, Tong Wu, Shengzhu Yu, Min Li, Xuanhe Fan, Yi-Xin Huo*. Self-assembly systems to troubleshoot metabolic engineering challenges. Trends in Biotechnology. 2023. S0167-7799(23)00187-7

[73] Yan Xia#, Lichao Sun#, Zeyu Liang, Yingjie Guo, Jing Li, Dan Tang, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*, The construction of a PAM-less base editing toolbox in Bacillus subtilis and its application in metabolic engineering, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469:143865. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.143865 (影响因子16.744,发表年月 2023-05)

[72] Hao Guo#, Ning Wang#, Tingting Ding, Bo Zheng, Liwei Guo, Chaoyong Huang, Wuyuan Zhang, Lichao Sun, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo*. A tRNA Modification-based strategy for Identifying amiNo acid Overproducers (AMINO). Metab Eng. 2023. 78: 11-25 (影响因子8.4,发表年月 2023-07)

[71] Hao Guo, Tongtong Chen, Hanrong Zhu, Huiyan Wang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering key amino acid residues of typical pentacyclic triterpene synthases for improving the activity. 2023 (submitted)

[70] Junkai Tuo, Said Nawab, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo. Recent advances in screening amino acid overproducers. Engineering Microbiology, 2023. 3: 100066 (发表年月 2023-01)

[69] Changgeng Xu, Qin Zou, Jiheng Tian, Mengyuan Li, Baowen Xing, Julia Gong, Jiangyun Wang*, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*. Simplified Construction of Engineered Bacillus subtilis Host for Improved Expression of Proteins Harboring Noncanonical Amino Acids. ACS Synth Biol. 2023 Feb 17;12(2):583-595. (影响因子5.249,发表年月2023-02)

[68] Yuhui Du#, Li Li#, Yue Zheng, Jiaheng Liu, Julia Gong, Zekai Qiu, Yanni Li, Jianjun Qiao, Yi-Xin Huo. Incorporation of Non-Canonical Amino Acids into Antimicrobial Peptides: Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2022 Dec 13;88(23):e0161722. (影响因子5.005,发表年月2022-12)

[67] Bo Zheng, Shengzhu Yu, Zhenya Chen* and Yi-Xin Huo*. A consolidated review of commercial-scale high-value products from lignocellulosic biomass. Front Microbiol. 2022 Aug 23;13:933882. (影响因子5.64,发表年月2022-08)

[66] Hao Guo, Huiyang Wang, Tongtong Chen, Liwei Guo, Lars M Blank, Birgitta E Ebert, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering Critical Amino Acid Residues of Lanosterol Synthase to Improve the Production of Triterpenoids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ACS Synth Biol. 2022 Aug 19;11(8):2685-2696. (影响因子5.249,发表年月2022-08)

[65] Liwei Guo, Lichao Sun* and Yi‑Xin Huo. Toward bioproduction of oxo chemicals from C1 feedstocks using isobutyraldehyde as an example. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod. 2022 Aug 9;15(1):80. (影响因子7.67,发表年月2022-08)

[64] Ning Wang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Using genome and transcriptome analysis to elucidate biosynthetic pathways. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2022, 75: 102708.(影响因子9.74,发表年月2022-06)

[63] Tong Wu, Yumei Liu, Jinsheng Liu, Zhenya Chen*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Metabolic engineering and regulation of diol biosynthesis from renewable biomass in Escherichia coli. Biomolecules. 2022, 12:715.(影响因子6.064,发表年月2022-06)

[62] 刘玉美,毋彤,陈振娅,霍毅欣*。非天然氨基酸及非天然蛋白合成的研究进展。生物加工过程。2022,20(02):182-194. (影响因子1.109,发表年月2022-06)

[61] Zhenya Chen, Tongtong Chen, Shengzhu Yu, Yi-Xin Huo*. A high-throughput visual screening method for p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase to increase phenolic compounds biosynthesis. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod . 2022, 15(1): 1-15.(影响因子7.67,发表年月2022-05)

[60] Mengyuan Li, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*. CRISPR-Mediated Base Editing: From Precise Point Mutation to Genome-Wide Engineering in Nonmodel Microbes. Biology. 2022, 11(4): 571.(影响因子5.007,发表年月2022-04)

[59] Jiheng Tian, Baowen Xing, Mengyuan Li, Changgeng Xu, Yi-Xin Huo*, Shuyuan Guo*. Efficient Large-Scale and Scarless Genome Engineering Enables the Construction and Screening of Bacillus subtilis Biofuel Overproducers. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 4853.(影响因子5.923,发表年月2022-04)

[58] Yuhui Du, Wei Song, Zhiqiu Yin, Shengbo Wu, Jiaheng Liu, Ning Wang, Hua Jin, Jianjun Qiao, Yi-Xin Huo*. Genomic Analysis Based on Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly Reveals an Expansion of Terpene Biosynthesis of Azadirachta indica. Front Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 853861.(影响因子5.753,发表年月2022-04)

[57] Bo Zheng, Yinchao He, Pengxiang Zhang, Yi-Xin Huo*, Yanbin Yin. Polyphenol Utilization Proteins in the Human Gut Microbiome. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2022 Feb 8;88(3):e0185121.(影响因子5.005,发表年月2022-02)

[56] Tong Wu#, Zhenya Chen#, Shuyuan Guo, Cuiying Zhang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering transcription factor BmoR mutants for constructing multifunctional alcohol biosensors. ACS Synth Biol. 2022, 11(3): 1251-1260(影响因子5.249,发表年月2022-02)

[55] Shengzhu Yu, Bo Zheng, Zhenya Chen*, Yi-Xin Huo. Metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for producing branched chain amino acids. Microb Cell Fact. 2021. 20(1): 1-14(影响因子6.352,发表年月2021-12)

[54] Luyao Zhao, Zhenya Chen, Sheng Lin, Tong Wu, Shengzhu Yu, Yi-Xin Huo*. In Vitro Biosynthesis of Isobutyraldehyde Through the Establishment of a One-Step Self-Assembly-Based Immobilization Strategy. J Agr Food Chem. 2021. 69(48): 14609-19(影响因子5.279,发表年月2021-11)

[53] Huiyan Wang#, Hao Guo#, Ning Wang*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Toward the Heterologous Biosynthesis of Plant Natural Products: Gene Discovery and Characterization. ACS Synth Biol. 2021(影响因子5.249,发表年月2021-11)

[52] Xiaoyan Ma#, Lianjie Ma#, Yi-Xin Huo*. Reconstructing the transcription regulatory network to optimize resource allocation for robust biosynthesis. Trends Biotechnol. 2021(影响因子19.526,发表年月2021-11)

[51] 马晓焉,王雪芹,马炼杰,霍毅欣*。高级醇的微生物绿色制造。生物工程学报。2021. 37(05): 1721-36(影响因子0.977,发表年月2021-05)

[50] Jingge Wang#, Chaoyong Huang#, Kai Guo, Lianjie Ma, Xiangyu Meng, Ning Wang*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Converting Escherichia coli MG1655 into a chemical overproducer through inactivating defense system against exogenous DNA. Syn Syst Biotechno. 2020. 5(4): 333-42(影响因子4.781,发表年月2020-12)

[49] Huiyan Wang, Ning Wang*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Multi-tissue transcriptome analysis using hybrid-sequencing reveals potential genes and biological pathways associated with azadirachtin A biosynthesis in neem (azadirachta indica). BMC Genomics. 2020. 21(1): 1-17(影响因子3.969,发表年月2020-10)

[48] Mengli Xia, Lin Hu, Yi-Xin Huo, Yu Yang*. Myroides albus sp. nov., isolated from the gut of plastic-eating larvae of the coleopteran insect Zophobas atratus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020. 70(10): 5460-6(影响因子2.747,发表年月2020-09)

[47] Ziyu Xu, Mengli Xia, Yi-Xin Huo, Yu Yang*. Intestinirhabdus alba gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from the gut of plastic-eating larvae of the Coleoptera insect Zophobas atratus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020. 70(9): 4951-9(影响因子2.747,发表年月2020-09)

[46] Chaoyong Huang#, Liwei Guo#, Jingge Wang, Ning Wang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Efficient long fragment editing technique enables large-scale and scarless bacterial genome engineering. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2020. 104(18): 7943-56(影响因子4.813,发表年月2020-08)

[45] Hao Guo, Huiyan Wang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering critical enzymes and pathways for improved triterpenoid biosynthesis in yeast. ACS Synth Biol. 2020. 9(9): 2214-27(影响因子5.249,发表年月2020-08)

[44] 梁昕鑫,唐丹,霍毅欣*。蛋白源生物质的绿色生物转化。生物技术通报。2020. 36(12): 216(影响因子0.986,发表年月2020-07)

[43] Shengzhu Yu, Liwei Guo, Luyao Zhao, Zhenya Chen*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Metabolic engineering of E. coli for producing phloroglucinol from acetate. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2020. 104(18): 7787-99(影响因子4.813,发表年月2020-07)

[42] Xiaoyan Ma, Lianjie Ma, Yi-Xin Huo*, Harnessing the hierarchy of transcriptional regulation: engineering of the gene expression network for efficient production, in Systems and Synthetic Metabolic Engineering. 2020, Elsevier. p. 107-24. (发表年月2020-07)

[41] Zhiqiu Yin, Jiaheng Liu, Binghai Du, Hai-Hua Ruan, Yi-Xin Huo*, Yuhui Du*, Jianjun Qiao*. Whole-Genome-Based survey for polyphyletic serovars of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica provides new insights into public health surveillance. Int J Mol Sci. 2020. 21(15): 5226(影响因子5.924,发表年月2020-07)

[40] Jiakang Ru, Yi-Xin Huo, Yu Yang*. Microbial degradation and valorization of plastic wastes. Front Microbiol. 2020. 11: 442(影响因子5.64,发表年月2020-04)

[39] Said Nawab, Ning Wang*, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo. Genetic engineering of non-native hosts for 1-butanol production and its challenges: a review. Microb Cell Fact. 2020. 19(1): 1-16(影响因子6.352,发表年月2020-03)

[38] Tingting Ding, Chaoyong Huang, Zeyu Liang, Xiaoyan Ma*, Ning Wang*, Yi-Xin Huo. Reversed paired-gRNA plasmid cloning strategy for efficient genome editing in Escherichia coli. Microb Cell Fact. 2020. 19(1): 1-13(影响因子6.352,发表年月2020-03)

[37] Mengli Xia, Jialei Wang, Yi-Xin Huo, Yu Yang*. Mixta tenebrionis sp. nov., isolated from the gut of the plastic-eating mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020. 70(2): 790-6(影响因子2.747,发表年月2020-02)

[36] Lianjie Ma#, Liwei Guo#, Yunpeng Yang, Kai Guo, Yajun Yan, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo. Protein-based biorefining driven by nitrogen-responsive transcriptional machinery. Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod. 2020. 13(1): 1-14(影响因子7.67,发表年月2020-02)

[35] Huan Yu#, Zhenya Chen#, Ning Wang, Shengzhu Yu, Yajun Yan, Yi-Xin Huo*. Engineering transcription factor BmoR for screening butanol overproducers. Metab Eng. 2019. 56: 28-38(影响因子9.783,发表年月2019-12)

[34] Chaoyong Huang, Tingting Ding, Jingge Wang, Xueqin Wang, Liwei Guo, Jialei Wang, Lin Zhu, Changhao Bi, Xueli Zhang, Xiaoyan Ma, Yi-Xin Huo*. CRISPR-Cas9-assisted native end-joining editing offers a simple strategy for efficient genetic engineering in Escherichia coli. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019. 103(20): 8497-509(影响因子4.813,发表年月2019-10)

[33] Liyuan Jin#, Said Nawab#, Mengli Xia, Xiaoyan Ma*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Context‐dependency of synthetic minimal promoters in driving gene expression: a case study. Microb Biotechnol. 2019. 12(6): 1476-86(影响因子5.813,发表年月2019-10)

[32] 杨云彭,马晓焉,霍毅欣*。密码子优化策略在异源蛋白表达中的应用。生物工程学报。2019. 35(12): 2227-37(影响因子0.977,发表年月2019-09)

[31] 郑博,王宁*,霍毅欣。基于转录和翻译调控的氨基酸高产菌株筛选及构建策略。生物技术通报。2020. 36(4): 34(影响因子0.986,发表年月2019-09)

[30] Xiaoyan Ma#, Xinxin Liang#, Yi-Xin Huo*. Developing a transformation-independent and unbiased qPCR assay to rapidly evaluate the determinants of DNA assembly efficiency. Engineering. 2019. 5(4): 803-10(影响因子7.553,发表年月2019-08)

[29] Zhenya Chen#, Luyao Zhao#, Jiakang Ru, Shengzhu Yu, Huan Yu, Huiyong Ren, Yuhong Zhang, Wei Zhang, Fankai Lin, Yi-Xin Huo*. A novel protein purification strategy mediated by the combination of CipA and Ssp DnaB intein. J Biotechnol. 2019. 301: 97-104(影响因子2.563,发表年月2019-08)

[28] Yi-Xin Huo, Bo Zheng, Ning Wang, Yunpeng Yang, Xinxin Liang, Xiaoyan Ma*. Identifying amino acid overproducers using rare-codon-rich markers. J Vis Exp. 2019. 148: e59331(影响因子1.355,发表年月2019-06)

[27] Jiao Zhang, Fayu Yang, Yunpeng Yang, Yu Jiang, Yi-Xin Huo*. Optimizing a CRISPR-Cpf1-based genome engineering system for Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microb Cell Fact. 2019. 18(1): 1-13(影响因子6.352,发表年月2019-03)

[26] Huan Yu, Ning Wang, Wenbo Huo, Yuhong Zhang, Wei Zhang, Yu Yang, Zhenya Chen*, Yi-Xin Huo*. Establishment of BmoR-based biosensor to screen isobutanol overproducer. Microb Cell Fact. 2019. 18(1): 1-11(影响因子6.352,发表年月2019-02)

[25] Yuan Yu, Pengcheng Chang, Huan Yu, Huiyong Ren, Danning Hong, Zeyan Li, Ying Wang, Hao Song, Yi-Xin Huo, Chun Li*. Productive amyrin synthases for efficient α-amyrin synthesis in engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ACS Synth Biol. 2018. 7(10): 2391-402(影响因子5.249,发表年月2018-10)

[24] Bo Zheng#, Xiaoyan Ma#, Ning Wang, Tingting Ding, Liwei Guo, Xiaorong Zhang, Yu Yang, Chun Li, Yi-Xin Huo*. Utilization of rare codon-rich markers for screening amino acid overproducers. Nat Commun. 2018. 9(1): 1-11(影响因子14.919,发表年月2018-09)

[23] Yi-Xin Huo, Huiyong Ren, Huan Yu, Luyao Zhao, Shengzhu Yu, Yajun Yan, Zhenya Chen*. CipA-mediating enzyme self-assembly to enhance the biosynthesis of pyrogallol in Escherichia coli. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018. 102(23): 10005-15(影响因子4.813,发表年月2018-09)

[22] 彭瑞婷,夏孟丽,茹家康,霍毅欣,杨宇*。聚氨酯塑料的微生物降解。生物工程学报。2018. 34(9): 1398-409(影响因子0.977,发表年月2018-09)

[21] Ke Xu#, Bo Lv#, Yi-Xin Huo*, Chun Li*. Toward the lowest energy consumption and emission in biofuel production: combination of ideal reactors and robust hosts. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2018. 50: 19-24(影响因子9.74,发表年月2018-04)

[20] 杨发誉,杨云彭,霍毅欣*。合成生物学中不依赖限制性内切酶的分子克隆策略。中国生物化学与分子生物学报。2018. 34(4): 364-70(影响因子0.812,发表年月2018-04)

[19] Yi-Xin Huo, Liwei Guo, Xiaoyan Ma*. Biofuel production with a stress-resistant and growth phase-independent promoter: mechanism revealed by in vitro transcription assays. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018. 102(6): 2929-40(影响因子4.813,发表年月2018-02)

[18] Ming Zhu, Caixia Wang, Wentao Sun, Anqi Zhou, Ying Wang, Genlin Zhang, Xiaohong Zhou, Yi-Xin Huo, Chun Li*. Boosting 11-oxo-β-amyrin and glycyrrhetinic acid synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae via pairing novel oxidation and reduction system from legume plants. Metab Eng. 2018. 45: 43-50(影响因子9.783,发表年月2018-01)

[17] Ke Xu, Liman Gao, Jalees Ul Hassan, Zhiping Zhao, Chun Li, Yi-Xin Huo, Guiyan Liu*. Improving the thermo-tolerance of yeast base on the antioxidant defense system. Chem Eng Sci. 2018. 175: 335-42(影响因子4.311,发表年月2018-01)

[16] Xiaoxue Wang, Dong Wang, Yi-Xin Huo, Dazhang Dai, Chihua Li, Chun Li, Guiyan Liu*. Identification of isoliquiritigenin as an activator that stimulates the enzymatic production of glycyrrhetinic acid monoglucuronide. Sci Rep-UK. 2017. 7(1): 1-10(影响因子4.38,发表年月2017-10)

[15] Yi-Xin Huo. Amino Acid Biosynthesis and Its Metabolic Engineering Applications. Engineering Microbial Metabolism for Chemical Synthesis. 2017: 69-95

[14] Xiaoyan Ma, Yi-Xin Huo*. The application of microfluidic-based technologies in the cycle of metabolic engineering. Syn Syst Biotechno. 2016. 1(3): 137-42(影响因子4.781,发表年月2016-09)

[13] Natasha K Vidangos, Johanna Heideker, Artem Lyubimov, Meindert Lamers, Yi-Xin Huo, Jeffrey G Pelton, Jimmy Ton, Jay Gralla, James Berger, David E Wemmer*. DNA recognition by a σ54 transcriptional activator from Aquifex aeolicus. J Mol Biol. 2014. 426(21): 3553-68(影响因子5.469,发表年月2015-10)

[12] Yuan-Tao Zhang, Feng Jiang, Zhe-Xian Tian, Yi-Xin Huo, Yi-Cheng Sun, Yi-Ping Wang*. CRP-cyclic AMP dependent inhibition of the xylene-responsive σ54-promoter Pu in Escherichia coli. PLoS One. 2014. 9(1): e86727(影响因子3.24,发表年月2014-01)

[11] Yi-Xin Huo, David G Wernick, James C Liao*. Toward nitrogen neutral biofuel production. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2012. 23(3): 406-13(影响因子9.74,发表年月2012-06)

[10] Han Li, Paul H Opgenorth, David G Wernick, Steve Rogers, Tung-Yun Wu, Wendy Higashide, Peter Malati, Yi-Xin Huo, Kwang Myung Cho, James C Liao*. Integrated electromicrobial conversion of CO2 to higher alcohols. Science. 2012. 335(6076): 1596(影响因子47.728,发表年月2012-05)

[9] Harsharan Singh Bhatia, Rahul Agrawal, Sandeep Sharma, Yi-Xin Huo, Zhe Ying, Fernando Gomez-Pinilla*. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency during brain maturation reduces neuronal and behavioral plasticity in adulthood. PloS one. 2011. 6(12): e28451(影响因子3.24,发表年月2011-12)

[8] Yi-Xin Huo, Kwang Myung Cho, Jimmy G Lafontaine Rivera, Emma Monte, Claire R Shen, Yajun Yan, James C Liao*. Conversion of proteins into biofuels by engineering nitrogen flux. Nat Biotechnol. 2011. 29(4): 346-51(影响因子54.908,发表年月2011-05)

[7] Yi-Xin Huo#, Yuan-Tao Zhang#, Yan Xiao, Xiaodong Zhang, Martin Buck, Annie Kolb, Yi-Ping Wang*. IHF-binding sites inhibit DNA loop formation and transcription initiation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009. 37(12): 3878-86(影响因子16.971,发表年月2009-04)

[6] Jay D Gralla*, Yi-Xin Huo. Remodeling and activation of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase by osmolytes. Biochemistry. 2008. 47(50): 13189-96(影响因子3.163,发表年月2008-11)

[5] Yi‐Xin Huo, Adam Z Rosenthal, Jay D Gralla*. General stress response signalling: unwrapping transcription complexes by DNA relaxation via the sigma38 C‐terminal domain. Mol Microbiol. 2008. 70(2): 369-78(影响因子3.501,发表年月2008-09)

[4] Xian-Jun Mao#, Yi-Xin Huo#, Martin Buck, Annie Kolb, Yi-Ping Wang*. Interplay between CRP-cAMP and PII-Ntr systems forms novel regulatory network between carbon metabolism and nitrogen assimilation in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007. 35(5): 1432-40(影响因子16.971,发表年月2007-02)

[3] Yi-Xin Huo, Bei-Yan Nan, Cong-Hui You, Zhe-Xian Tian, Annie Kolb, Yi-Ping Wang*. FIS activates glnAp2 in Escherichia coli: role of a DNA bend centered at −55, upstream of the transcription start site. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2006. 257(1): 99-105(影响因子2.742,发表年月2006-04)

[2] Yi‐Xin Huo#, Zhe‐Xian Tian#, Mathieu Rappas, Jin Wen, Yan‐Cheng Chen, Cong‐Hui You, Xiaodong Zhang, Martin Buck, Yi‐Ping Wang*, Annie Kolb. Protein‐induced DNA bending clarifies the architectural organization of the σ54‐dependent glnAp2 promoter. Mol Microbiol. 2006. 59(1): 168-80(影响因子3.501,发表年月2006-01)

[1] Yi‐Xin Huo. Activité de promoteurs dépendant de sigma54 et courbure de l'ADN induite par des protéines/sous la direction de Yi-Ping Wang, Annie Kolb. 2005. Thèse soutenue en co-tutelle. - Thèse de doctorat: Microbiologie: Université de Pékin: 2005 Thèse de doctorat: Microbiologie: Paris 7: 2005


[4] 孙丽超, 马晓焉, 陈振娅, 邹沁, 霍毅欣*, 基于学科交叉实施生命科学基础类课程教学改革, 生物工程学报, 2023, 39(11): 4718-4729. (发表年月 2023-06)

[3] 赵东旭,乔新歌,肖雯,张金凤,霍毅欣,“保研新政”视域下硕士研究生创新潜力提升思路探索,大学教育,2023(5):11-13. (发表年月 2023-03)

[2] 陈振娅,马晓焉,霍毅欣*,基于科学前沿的“一体式”微生物学开放实验课程探索,生物学杂志,2022(039-003). (发表年月 2022-06)

[1] 马晓焉,陈振娅,霍毅欣*,基于读图的生物学专业能力考核改革与实践,生物学杂志,2022, 39(6):117-121.(发表年月 2022-03)


27. 陈振娅,霍毅欣,赵璐瑶。一种高效简便纯化蛋白的方法。CN 110714020 A

26. 霍毅欣,陈振娅,赵璐瑶。一种高效简便的酶固定化的方法。CN 110563852 A

25. 霍毅欣,马晓焉,马炼杰。一种实现生物燃料稳定生产的方法。CN 110551768

24. 霍毅欣,马晓焉,郭丽微。一种利用σ70非依赖型抗胁迫启动子实现异丁醛稳定高产的方法。CN 110551770 A

23. 陈振娅,霍毅欣,赵璐瑶。一种高效简便纯化蛋白的方法。CN 110714020 A

22. 霍毅欣,陈振娅,赵璐瑶。一种高效简便的酶固定化的方法。CN 110563852 A

21. 霍毅欣,马晓焉,马炼杰。一种实现生物燃料稳定生产的方法。CN 110551768

20. 霍毅欣,马晓焉,郭丽微。一种利用σ70非依赖型抗胁迫启动子实现异丁醛稳定高产的方法。CN 110551770 A

19. 霍毅欣,陈振娅,于盛竹。一种间苯三酚的生产方法。CN 110551769 A

18. 霍毅欣,黄潮勇。一种基于细菌内源同源重组系统的基因组编辑方法。CN 110669779 A

17. 霍毅欣,郑博,王宁。一种利用稀有密码子在翻译水平调控基因表达的方法。CN 110592126 A

16. 霍毅欣,郑博,王宁,马晓焉。一种非极性氨基酸高产菌株的筛选方法。CN 108707576 A

15. 霍毅欣,郑博,王宁,马晓焉。一种支链氨基酸高产菌株的筛选方法。CN 108795966 A

14. 霍毅欣,黄潮勇。一种基于细菌内源末端连接系统的基因组编辑方法。CN 110628761 A

13. 霍毅欣,郑博,王宁,马晓焉。一种极性氨基酸高产菌株的筛选方法。CN 108795965 A

12. 霍毅欣,郭丽微,刘玉美。一种利用新型dCas9调控基因表达的方法。CN 110607317 A

11. 杨宇,茹家康,霍毅欣。一种重组聚氨酯塑料降解酶的制备方法及应用。CN 111172132 A

10. 霍毅欣,王会艳,王宁。一种印楝素合成前体的底盘生产菌株WHY-60。CN 111944709 A

9. 霍毅欣,王会艳,王宁。一种印楝素合成关键中间体的相关基因。CN 111944797 A

8. 霍毅欣,陈振娅,蔚欢。一种高效筛选异丁醇高产菌株的BmoR突变体。CN 110615832 A

7. 霍毅欣,王雪芹,黄潮勇。一种效率高且成本低的无缝DNA组装方法。CN 110592130 A

6. 霍毅欣,王靖格,黄潮勇。一株基于大肠杆菌改造的工程菌株。CN 110616181 A

5. Huo, Y.X., Schilling, B., and Rabizadeh, S. (2014) Improved carbon dioxide fixation via bypassing feedback regulation. WO application pending.

4. Huo, Y.X., Rohlin, L., and Rabizadeh, S. (2014) Microbial production of fuel components from low-molecular weight gas mixture. US9512450B1.

3. Huo, Y.X. and Cho. K.M. (2013) Two stage production of higher alcohols. WO 2014/028642.

2. Liao,J.C., Cho, K.M., Yan, Y and Huo, Y.X. (2011) Chemical production by recombinant microorganisms via fermentation of proteinacious biomass. WO 2012/061653.

1. Liao,J.C., Cho, K.M., Yan, Y and Huo, Y.X. (2011) Biofuel and chemical production by recombinant microorganisms via fermentation of proteinacious biomass. US9284566B2


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1. 杜宇辉 博士后 现为华南理工大学助理教授/副研究员(已参与发表文章:[68],[58],[41])

2. 王宁 博士后 现为中科院植物所助理研究员(已参与发表文章:[72],[64],[58],[53],[50],[49],[46],[39],[38],[35],[31],[28],[26],[24])

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4. 郑博 2016级 化学工程与技术专业博士研究生 现就职清华大学博士后流动工作站(已参与发表文章:[72],[67],[57],[55],[31],[28],[24])

5. 王会艳 2016级 化学工程与技术专业博士研究生 现就职北京华熙荣熙生物技术研究有限公司 研发工程师(已参与发表文章:[71],[66],[53],[49],[45])

6. 蔚欢 2016级 硕士研究生 现就读于天津大学 攻读博士学位(已参与发表文章:[35],[29],[26],[25],[23])

7. 张姣 2016级 硕士研究生 现就读于中国科学院植物生理生态研究所 攻读博士学位(已参与发表文章:[27])

8. 赵璐瑶 2017级 硕士研究生 现就读于瑞典皇家理工学院 攻读博士学位(已参与发表文章:[54],[43],[29],[23])

9. 杨云彭 2017级 硕士研究生 现就职于北京市专利局(已参与发表文章:[36],[32],[28],[27],[20])

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定婷婷 2018级 生物医学工程专业博士研究生(硕博连读)

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