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金 花 教授 / 博士生导师

来源:    编辑:肖雯   审核:常非   发布日期:2018-06-12



Laboratory of Genetics and Disorders


金花,教授/博士生导师/Principal Investigator



办公室:求是楼 225-1


联系电话:6891-1756 分机 801

电子邮件: [email protected]



博士:首尔大学,生命科学,师从美国科学院外籍院士V. Narry Kim


2011-2013,博士后,Institute for Basic Science in Korea


2013-2018,研究助理,HHMI at Brandeis University in USA,

2017年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者Michael Rosbash组









1.  非编码RNA(ncRNA)的作用和调控机制:

发现调控胰岛素信号和生物体生长的非编码RNA和它的靶标,以第一/通讯作者成果发表在Cell、Genes Dev、Mol Cell Biol。

2. RNA修饰的研究:

主要研究RNA的编辑(editing)、m6A甲基化、RNA加尾修饰(Tailing)。研发和应用基于RNA编辑酶ADAR、APOBEC检测RNA结合蛋白(RBP)的靶标RNA的方法。以第一/通讯作者成果发表在Science Advances、Wires RNA、Biomolecules、Int. J. Mol. Sci.、Front Cell Dev Biol。


3. 生物大数据分析和相关生信分析软件开发:

组装了合成生物学中占有重要地位的植物印楝的染色体水平的基因组,开发了染色体水平基因组组装软件Chrom-pro、一种去除细胞器基因组污染序列的染色体组装方法及装置Chlomito、环状RNA识别和其功能预测软件CircRNA-Pro、RNA编辑位点分析软件AutoTRIBE。以第一/通讯作者成果发表专利、Frontiers Plant Science(2篇)。

4. 基因表达/突变与疾病相关性研究:

研究多药联合治疗下癌症耐药性共有分子机制。选取了超过 200 例经过不同多药联合治疗的癌症样本,利用转录组学表达定量和加权基因共表达网络(WGCNA)构建和挖掘不同治疗方案间存在趋同表达模式的基因模块,进一步用生物学方法研究耐药机制。


团队已在Cell、Science Advances、Genes Dev、Wires RNA、Frontiers Plant Science、Int. J. Mol. Sci.、Biomolecules、Mol Cell Biol等国际学术期刊发表论文,获得3项国内外专利。Cell Metabolism杂志专门介绍了相关研究。论文被同行引用超过4000次,其中有两篇被Faculty of 1000推荐。评审了国家自然科学基金、国家留学基金、中国博士后科学基金、北京市自然科学基金重点项目等。


代表性论文: #共同第一作者,*通讯作者

1. H. Jin, W. Xu, R. Rahman, D. Na, A. Fieldsend, W. Song, S. Liu, C. Li and M. Rosbash* (2020) "TRIBE editing reveals specific mRNA targets of eIF4E-BP in Drosophila and in mammals" Science Advances, 6:eabb8771 (1区,影响因子 14.1,引用43)

2. S. Hyun#, J. Lee#, H. Jin#, Nam, Namkoong, Lee, Chung and V. N. Kim* (2009) "Conserved microRNA miR-8/miR-200 and its target USH/FOG2 control growth by regulating PI3K" Cell, 139:1096-1108 (1区,影响因子 34.1引用 348) (Cell Metabolism专门介绍了这项工作)

3. H. Jin, V. Kim*, and S. Hyun* (2012) "Conserved microRNA miR-8 controls body size in response to steroid signaling in Drosophila" Genes & Development, 26(13):1427-32 (1区,影响因子 11.1引用 113)

4. H. Jin#, Chong Li#, Y. Jia, Y. Qi, and Weilan Piao* (2024) “Revealing the hidden RBP-RNA interactions with RNA modification enzyme-based strategies” Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA (Wires RNA)(15:e1863) (2区,影响因子 9.3)

5. Wei Song, C. Li, Y. Lu, D. Shen, Y.  Jia, Yixin Huo, Weilan Piao* and Hua Jin* (2024) “Chlomito: a novel tool for precise elimination of organelle genome contamination from nuclear genome assembly” Frontiers Plant Science, 15:1430443 (TOP期刊,影响因子 6.6)

6. Yuening Yang, Yanming Lu, Yan Wang, Xianghui Wen, Changhai Qi*, Weilan Piao* and Hua Jin* (2024) “Current progress in strategies to profile transcriptomic m6A modifications” Front Cell Dev Biol 12:1392159 (影响因子 6)

7. Weilan Piao#, Chong Li#, P. Sun, M. Yang, Y. Ding, W. Song, Y. Jia, L. Yu, and H. Jin* (2023) "Identification of RNA-Binding Protein Targets with HyperTRIBE in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 9033影响因子 6.2

8. Y. Du#, Wei Song#, Z. Yin#, S. Wu, J. Liu, N. Wang, H. Jin*, Jianjun Qiao*, Yi-Xin Huo* (2022) "Genomic analysis based on chromosome-level genome assembly reveals an expansion of terpene biosynthesis of Azadirachta indica" Frontiers Plant Science, 13:853861 (TOP期刊,影响因子 6.6引用 8)

9. Miaomiao Yang, Y. Lu, W. Piao *, H. Jin* (2022) “The Translational Regulation in mTOR Pathway” Biomolecules, 12(6), 802 (影响因子 5.8,引用 60)

10. Xueping Chen, L.Yu, H. Zhang, H. Jin* (2023) “Identification of New Prognostic Genes and Construction of A Prognostic Model for Lung Adenocarcinoma” Diagnostics, 13, 1914 (影响因子 3.6)

11. Xianghui Wen, A. Irshad, and H. Jin*  (2023) “The Battle for Survival: The Role of RNA Non-canonical Tails in the Virus-Host Interaction” Metabolites (影响因子 4.1)

12. 王娟,杨悦宁,朴威兰,金花* (2022) “尿苷酸化:一种重要的细胞内RNA监控方式”,综述,遗传,44(6): 449―465 中文核心期刊

13. Hua Jin (2023) "生物信息技术前沿及其应用 / Frontiers and applications of bioinformatics technology", 教科书章节, 汉英两语撰写, 北京理工大学出版社, 书号: 9787568280310

14. H. Jin#, M. R. Suh#, J. Han, K.-H. Yeom, Y. Lee, I. Heo, M. Ha, S. Hyun and V.N. Kim* (2009) "Human UPF1 Participates in Small RNA-Induced mRNA Downregulation" MOL CELL BIOL, 29(21):5789-99 (影响因子 5.3引用 38)

15. Wei Song#, Juan Wang#, Weilan Piao#, Yuening Yang#, A. Son, H. Chang, X. Wen, H. Zhang, C. Li, D. Na, Y. Lu, J. Menet, V.N. Kim, and H. Jin* (2023) "The Role of Terminal Uridyl Transferases in the Circadian Rhythm" bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.13.516290

16. “CircRNA-Pro: A Novel Toolkit for High-Precision Detection of Differentially Expressed Circular RNAs and Translatable Circular RNAs” (2024) bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.13.584785

17. “Chrom-pro: A User-Friendly Toolkit for De-novo Chromosome Assembly and Genomic Analysis” (2024) bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.02.583079


18. R. Rahman, W. Xu, H. Jin, M. Rosbash* (2018) "Identification of RNA-Binding Protein Targets with HyperTRIBE" Nature Protocols, 13(8):1829-1849 (影响因子 13.3)

19. W. Luo, F. Guo, A. McMahon, S. Couvertier, H. Jin, M. Diaz, A. Fieldsend, E. Weerapana and M. Rosbash* (2018) "NonA and CPX Link the Circadian Clockwork to Locomotor Activity in Drosophila" Neuron, 99(4):768-780 (影响因子15.8)

20. A. McMahon, R. Rahman, H. Jin, Shen, Luo, M. Rosbash* (2016) "TRIBE:Hijacking an RNA-editing enzyme to identify in vivo targets of RNA-binding proteins" Cell, 21;165(3):742-53 (影响因子 34.1)

21. M. Lee, Y. Choi, K. Kim, H. Jin, J. Lim et al. and V. Kim* (2014) "Adenylation of maternally inherited microRNAs by Wispy" Molecular Cell, 56(5):696-707 (影响因子 14.4)

22. J. Kim, M. Choi, J. Kim, H. Jin, V. Kim, and K. Cho* (2012) "The Coregulation Mechanism of Transcription Factors in the human gene regulatory network" Nucleic Acids Research, 40(18):8849-61 (影响因子 9.11)

23. Y. Lee, J. Han, K. H. Yeom, H. Jin and V. Kim* (2006) "Drosha in primary microRNA processing" Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantative Biology Book chapter

24. J. Han#, Y. Lee#, K. Yeom, Y. Kim, H. Jin and V. Kim* (2004) "The Drosha-DGCR8 complex in primary microRNA processing" Genes & Development, 18(24):3016-27 (影响因子 11.1)


1. 申请号: 202210826141.3


公开日期:2022. 11. 01

2. 发表号: WO2018017144A1

“Compositions and methods for identifying RNA binding polypeptide targets”

发表日期:2018. 01. 25

发表号: US 20130011845 A1

3. “Microrna regulating the insulin signaling pathway, and method for screening material for controlling the action of a target thereof”

发表日期:2013. 01. 10